
How our food club works

Nourishing Connections Food Club (NCFC) began offering food products to our community in 2009. We are local individuals and families who volunteer our time and energy for our mutual benefit.

By purchasing as a group, we often qualify for discounted or wholesale pricing and receive discounts on bulk products. This allows us to provide the most affordable and fair prices while supporting our sources’ ability to make a suitable living.

We purchase organic, seasonal and fairly traded products whenever possible. Although not all products have official certification, our food is produced ethically and sustainably to the best of our knowledge. This means that products are produced in a manner that enhances the well-being of the producers, consumers and the environment in the present and in the future. Members have often met the farmers and visited their farms. We choose farmers who produce traditional foods and we buy the same food they feed their families. Some sources carry products that do not meet these criteria and are identified in our database (i.e., organic or not, country of origin, manufacturer). Members make their own determinations about what to order.


  • Order only what you want, when you want
  • Never a minimum order
20 x 1 lb bags of organic chicken legs


We are located a few miles from NIST in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Heading north from Bethesda on Interstate 270, we are 10 minutes off of exit 10 (MD 117/Clopper Rd). Heading south from Frederick on Interstate 270, we are 10 minutes off exit 12 (Watkins Mill Rd).

What our members say

I love NCFC because of the great members and great conversations.  I have learned a lot from our community.  Also the access to organic foods, local foods, and wholesale foods that I would pay more for at the store.
Germantown, MD

I love the food club because I know I am supporting local farms, eating healthy foods, and buying quality products from other vendors at wholesale prices.  Everyone I have met in the club has been inviting, helpful, and friendly.  
Boyds, MD

As someone who values food, people, and the environment, I am really glad to be a member. I rely on the Food Club to get locally grown and harvested grains for baking, coffee, natural cleanings supplies, and local and/or organic produce. In this time of supply chain shortages, I feel lucky to have connections to wholesale sources and the freedom to choose what and when I order. The group works hard to make sure the volunteer roles are fairly divided and manageable.
Germantown, MD

24 count of organic Little Gem Red lettuce

Excerpt from “Ode to Food Club”

We have grown to three chapters, with members — so many!
Our buys, added up, show a mighty fine penny!
Like the big oak that starts from an acorn so small,
The club is fantastic from efforts of us all.

Not least are our farmers and producers of yummies,
Your nutrient-dense goodies nourish our tummies.
We know what we want to set out on our table.
Thanks to our Food Club, we are enabled.